un_pay_status as Status
, concat(concat(pa_lname, ', '), pa_fname) as Name
, en_ttl_fees - en_ttl_paid as Owed
/* , insert(pa_email, (instr(pa_email,'@')), 1, ' @') as Email */
, concat(concat(concat(substr(pa_email,1,3)) , '*-*-*-*') , substr(pa_email,7)) as Email
, en_ttl_fees as Fees
, en_ttl_paid as Paid
concat( concat(substring(un_confnbr,1,4), '-')
, concat(substring(un_confnbr,5,2), '-')
, substring(un_confnbr,7,2)
, interval 7 day
) as DueDt
to_days(date_sub(now(), interval 7 day))
- (
concat( concat(substring(un_confnbr,1,4), '-')
, concat(substring(un_confnbr,5,2), '-')
, substring(un_confnbr,7,2)
) as Ovr
/* , concat(concat(pa_phn1, ' : '), pa_phn2) as Phone */
, concat( concat( substring(un_confnbr,1,4), '-'),
concat( substring(un_confnbr,5,2), '-'),
concat( substring(un_confnbr,7,2), ' '),
concat( substring(un_confnbr,9,2), ':'),
concat( substring(un_confnbr,11,2), ' '),
concat( substring(un_confnbr,13,2), ' '),
concat(substring(un_confnbr,15), ' ')
) as Confnbr
, pa.pa_id as Id
, '~' as Send -- jmb 12/8/2012
from un_entry un, pa_participant pa, en_summary en
where un.pa_id = pa.pa_id
and un.ev_id =
and un_confnbr = en_confnbr
and substring(un_pay_status,1,1) = 'U' -- 03/19/2012 jmb bg
group by Name, Status, Email, Owed, Fees, Paid, DueDt, Ovr, Confnbr, Id, Send
union all
ap_pay_status as Status
, concat(concat(pa_lname, ', '), pa_fname) as Name
, en_ttl_fees - en_ttl_paid as Owed
/* , insert(pa_email, (instr(pa_email,'@')), 1, ' @') as Email */
, concat(concat(concat(substr(pa_email,1,3)) , '*-*-*-*') , substr(pa_email,7)) as Email
, en_ttl_fees as Fees
, en_ttl_paid as Paid
concat( concat(substring(ap_confnbr,1,4), '-')
, concat(substring(ap_confnbr,5,2), '-')
, substring(ap_confnbr,7,2)
, interval 7 day
) as DueDt
to_days(date_sub(now(), interval 7 day))
- (
concat( concat(substring(ap_confnbr,1,4), '-')
, concat(substring(ap_confnbr,5,2), '-')
, substring(ap_confnbr,7,2)
) as Ovr
/* , concat(concat(pa_phn1, ' : '), pa_phn2) as Phone */
, concat( concat( substring(ap_confnbr,1,4), '-'),
concat( substring(ap_confnbr,5,2), '-'),
concat( substring(ap_confnbr,7,2), ' '),
concat( substring(ap_confnbr,9,2), ':'),
concat( substring(ap_confnbr,11,2), ' '),
concat( substring(ap_confnbr,13,2), ' '),
concat(substring(ap_confnbr,15), ' ')
) as Confnbr
, pa.pa_id as Id
, '~' as Send -- jmb 12/8/2012
from ap_entry ap, pa_participant pa, en_summary en
where ap.pa_id = pa.pa_id
and ap.ev_id =
and ap_confnbr = en_confnbr
and (substring(ap_pay_status,2,1) = 'P' -- 03/19/2012 jmb bg report partial payment
substring(ap_pay_status,1,1) != 'S' -- 03/19/2012 jmb bg do not report scratches
en_ttl_fees > en_ttl_paid ) -- 12/07/2013 jmb bg do not report OverPaid Mantis=55
group by Name, Status, Email, Owed, Fees, Paid, DueDt, Ovr, Confnbr, Id, Send
order by DueDt, Name
Handlers Not Paid or Partially Paid
Click the Send Past Due Email button to
notify the people below that are over due. (Ovr due > zero)
(Please be patient on the next screen, sending
emails may take a minute or two.)
Check Mark = Send
Warning : mysql_num_fields() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /homepages/34/d93125787/htdocs/jason205/dte_functions.php on line 1128
Warning : mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /homepages/34/d93125787/htdocs/jason205/dte_functions.php on line 1158
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